Section 1. The name of the organizations shall be the MCIAGMA Alumni Association.
Section 1. The MCIAGMA Alumni Association, hereby called the Alumni Association, is comprised of alumni from Mindoro Central Institute (MCI) and Agustin Gutierrez Memorial Academy (AGMA).
Section 2. All former students, graduates or not, of MCI and AGMA, are hereby Members of the Alumni Association.
Section 3. The Alumni Board shall be composed of all members of the Board of Trustees, and and the Alumni Advisor.
Section 4. The Grand Assembly is hereby known as the Grand Alumni.
Alumni Mission
Section 1. The mission of the Alumni Association is to promote the general welfare of AGMA students, faculty, staff and alumni. The Alumni Association will strive to provide a means of perpetuating friendships and strengthening alumni relations centered on all activities of the school.
To accomplish the mission, the Alumni Association has established the following goals:
1. To support AGMA programs, activities and events on campus, and in the local community.
2. To develop and support Alumni Association programs, activities and events on campus, and in the local community.
3. To engage and strengthen relationships with members of the Alumni Association and the AGMA community.
4. To support AGMA’s programs.
5. To provide effective communication between AGMA and its alumni base.
The Grand Alumni
Section 1. The Grand Alumni shall serve as the highest governing body of the Alumni Association.
Section 2. The Grand Alumni shall commence every five (5) years, unless otherwise decided differently by the Board of Trustees.
Section 3. A two-thirds majority vote Board of Trustees and the Batch Representatives present at a Grand Alumni meeting is required to approve and amend this By-Laws.
The Board of Trustees
Section 1. The management of the Alumni Board, hereby called the Board of Trustees, and its activities shall be solely in accordance with the direction and mission voted upon in the Grand Alumni. In the absence of the Grand Alumni, the Board of Trustees shall serve as the governing body of the Alumni Association.
Section 2. The Alumni Board shall comprise of: (15) fifteen members elected at large during the Grand Alumni; (1) Alumni Adviser coming from the school, Batch Representatives, and the Board Officers elected by the Grand Alumni.
Section 3.1 All elected members of the Alumni Board will serve for a five year term. At the end of the five year term, members of the Board of Trustees may be re-elected for a subsequent five year term. There are no term limits on the number of times a person may be re-elected to serve as a member of the Board of Trustees.
Section 3.2. Board members who represent their batches, and who are not elected at large, may be submitted by the batch to which it represents to the Board of Trustees.
Section 4. Board members may resign their position at any time during their term by submitting a letter of resignation to the Board of Trustees.
Section 5. Each year an undergraduate student from the batch of the current school year shall be invited by the Alumni Board to serve on the Board for a five year term.
Section 6. An Alumni Advisor, who shall be appointed by AGMA, shall serve as an ex officio member of the Board of Trusteeds and all its activities.
Section 7. The Board of Trustees shall have the power to fill the expired terms of all elected Board Officers and the Board Members.
Section 8. The Board of Trustees shall meet at least once during the calendar year.
Section 9. Notification of Board of Trustees meetings will be sent to Board members by either: Mail, telephone, electronic mail (E-mail), or via social networking sites.
Section 10. All Board of Trustees members are expected to attend and participate in local alumni events sponsored by the Grand Alumni; major events sponsored by the school; and events sponsored by or formally invited by the school director. If unable to attend, notification of such should be submitted to the Alumni Board.
Section 11. Officers and members of the Board shall accept the responsibility of providing or at least finding financial support for the school and to the Alumni Fund.
Board Executive Officers
Section 1. Officers of the Board of Trustees shall be comprised of the following elected positions: Chairman, Vice-Chairman, Secretary, Assistant Secretary, Treasurer, Assistant Treasurer, Auditor, Public Relations Officer, and Business Manager.
Section 2. Elected Board Executive Officers will serve for a five year term. At the end of the five year term, officers may be re-elected for a subsequent five year term.
Section 3. In the event of a vacancy in the office of the Chairman, the Vice-Chairman shall succeed to the position. A Board of Trustees meeting shall be called for the purpose of conducting an election to fill the position of the Vice-Chairman for its remaining term. All other Board vacancies shall be filled by the Board of Trustees forthwith.
Section 4. The Board Executive Officers shall meet at least annually during the calendar year with the Alumni Adviser.
Duties of Board Officers
Section 1. Duties of the Chairman shall be:
1. Preside over all meetings of the Alumni Board,
2. Appoint standing and special committees,
3. Call for an election of officers and board members,
4. Represent the Board of Trustees as required.
5. Set all Board meeting dates and meeting locations,
6. Submit reports to the AGMA Alumni Board of Trustees,
7. Participates on assigned Committees of the Board of Trustees.
Section 2. Duties of the Vice-Chairman shall be:
1. Assume the duties of the Chairman in his/her absence,
2. Assist the Chairman in executing Board of Trustees duties as required,
3. Promote and manage the public relations programs of the school and the Alumni,
4. Serve on any of the Standing Committees as required.
Section 3. Duties of the Secretary shall be:
1. Record all minutes of the Board meetings,
2. Submit minutes of the Board meetings to the Grand Alumni,
3. Assist the Chairman in executing Board duties as required,
4. Keeps records of all matter regarding the Board of Trustees, the Grand Alumni and the school,
5. Serve on any of the Standing Committees as required.
Section 4. Duties of the Assistant Secretary shall be:
1. Record all minutes of the Board meetings,
2. Submit minutes of the Board meetings to the Grand Alumni,
3. Assist the Secretary in executing Board duties as required,
4. Keeps records of all matter regarding the Board of Trustees, the Grand Alumni and the school,
5. Serve on any of the Standing Committees as required.
Section 5. Duties of the Treasurer shall be:
1. The primary officer assigned with the primary responsibility of overseeing and managing the Alumni Fund,
2. Keep the Alumni Board regularly informed of key financial events, trends, concerns, and assessment of fiscal health in addition to completing required financial reports and making these reports available to the Board,
3. Serve on any of the Standing Committees as required.
Section 6. Duties of the Assistant Treasurer shall be:
1. To assist the Treasurer with the primary responsibility of overseeing and managing the Alumni Fund,
2. To serve as a co-signee in all bank records pertaining to the Board of Trustees and the Alumni Fund,
3. Serve on any of the Standing Committees as required.
Section 7. Duties of the Auditor shall be:
1. To verify the reliability of the financial records and transaction of the Alumni, its Board of Trustees and its officers pertaining to the Alumni Fund,
2. To ascertain that there are adequate controls to ensure the reliability accounting procedures being implemented within the Grand Alumni and the Board of Trustees,
3. Ascertain that the system of internal control operates to ensure that the assets of the Grand Alumni are properly controlled and safeguarded from losses arising from fraud, irregularity or corruption,
4. Keep the Board of Trustees informed of irregularities and readily makes reports available to the members of the Grand Alumni,
5. Serve on any of the Standing Committees as required.
Section 8. Duties of Public Relations Officer shall be:
1. To serve as the chief communicator for the Alumni and its Board of Trustees,
2. To create public relations programs for the Alumni and its Board of Trustees,
3. Serve on any of the Standing Committees as required.
Section 9. Duties of the Business Manager shall be:
1. To serve and spearhed all business generating and fund-raising activite\ies of the Alumni and the Board of Trustees,
2. To provide project proposals for use of the Alumni Fund,
3.Serve on any of the Standing Committees as required.
Board Committees
Section 1. The Board President shall have the power to appoint standing committees and members as needed and not otherwise provided for in these Bylaws. All appointed committees will be under the auspices of the Board President and Alumni Board.
Section 2. The Standing Committees of the Board shall be:
1. Membership Committee
2. Special Events Committee
3. Finance Committee
Section 3. The Board Vice-Chairman will serve as an ex officio member of the Membership Committee. The Secretary and the Assistant Secretary will serve on any of the Special Events Committee. The Treasurer and the Assistant Treasurer will serve on the Finance Committee. Members of the Alumni Board of Trustees are encouraged to serve on at least one (1) of the Standing Committees.
Section 1. The Nominating Committee will consist of members of the Board of Trustees. Nominations for all Board Executive Officers and members of the Board of Trustees elected at-large shall be solicited from the members of the current Board of Trustees and the Batch Representatives present at the Grand Alumni. All other nominations for Officers and members of the Alumni Board shall be submitted to the Nominating Committee.
Section 1. A simple majority of members in attendance at a meeting shall constitute a quorum for conducting its business with the exception of Article IV Sec. 3 and as reflected upon on Article XI, Sec. 1.
Section 1. A two-thirds majority vote of the members present at the Grand Alumni, is required to amend these Bylaws. Proposed amendments shall be submitted to the Alumni Board, reviewed by the Board Chairman for review and to be elected upon by the Grand Alumni.
Date of Effect
Section 1. These Bylaws is held effective and and voted upon during the first Grand Alumni Homecoming, March 30, 2013 at the AGMA compound, and shall be ratified by the Board of Trustees henceforth.